Diamond City T-Shirt Design

Project Description

Diamond City is a clothing company based out of Northern California and was in need of a branding update which consisted of a new “base” logo along with all of the city variations where they sell their apparel. The design concept came about while in a meeting with the CMO where he was pondering the idea of a city silhouette in the background, with the diamond logo in the foreground, and I threw out the idea of a combination where the city spans rising above the diamond. The city rising above the diamond represents the idea of where you are from, is more valuable than materialistic items. The idea was well taken, and from there I created the idea into a visual representation which was instantly loved by the marketing team. The original logo design was then taken and created for multiple cities and applied to hundreds of different t-shirts types, jackets, sweat pants, and posters.

  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Illustrator CC

Graphic Design
Brand Development
Apparel Design

Additional Project Images
Diamond city logo design
Diamond city New York logo design
Diamond city Seattle logo design
Diamond City T-Shirt Design

Let’s Work Together


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