Seven - Album cover design

Project Description

Dane is a local artist whom was looking for very specific album cover art style which consisted of very vibrant colors that span from bright pinks, blues, and purples to be incorporated into a photograph of downtown San Diego(his home town). The photograph started off black and white, and was transformed into the futuristic colors that you see in the cover. Once the color scheme was finalized, all of the signage in the photo was replaced with album relevant phrases, the sky was added/created to match the over exaggerated scene, the great dane was added to represent his name, and the typography was designed and placed to round out the layout of all of the other elements. The back cover consists of the same color pallet as the front cover, with the added track list and additional elements pulled from the front cover to create a cohesive design from front to back.

  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Illustrator CC

Graphic Design
Branding Design

Additional Project Images
Seven - Album cover design
CD cover design

Let’s Work Together


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